Using Kudo Kudo Image Browser is provided to give the user a quick way to browse the images on this CD-ROM in a thumbnail view. This version has all of the viewing, sorting, and searching capabilities of the full Kudo Image Browser program, but the user cannot create a new catalog nor update an existing one. To use the Kudo Image Browser, simply double-click on the catalog icon for this CD-ROM. This will launch the Kudo application. You will see an intro screen, then the thumbnail images in a window. The default catalog view is the Gallery View. You will also see a toolbar with the following buttons:     Gallery View This button gives you an expanded view of just the thumbnails and the title of the image it represents. There is a scroll bar at the left to scroll up and down through the catalog.   List View This button allows you to view the thumbnails as a list with expanded information of each image. Scroll through the images with the scroll bar.   Find Pressing this button will allow you to search for thumbnails with specific characteristics. Select the pull-down menus to choose the criteria for the search and the text box for the item to be searched for.   Info This button will summon an info box for the represented image. The information in this window is the same as what is displayed when List View is chosen. When an image is selected (outlined in the highlight color), and "Preview" is chosen from the "Image" menu, or Command-E is pressed, you will see the actual image the thumbnail represents in a scrollable window. Press the close box in the upper left corner to return to thumbnail viewing. Another useful function of Kudo gives the user fast access to an image at the Finder level through the "Reveal" command from the "Image" menu, or by pressing Command-R. The original file on the volume will be "revealed" in the window where it is located, ready to copy to another source or to be drag & dropped to another application. Kudo contains an exlusive feature called "Riffle." This is what the Riffle control looks like:   To use the Riffle control, click on the control and hold down on the mouse button while moving the mouse to the left or right. The farther out you move the mouse, the faster the images "riffle" by. This allows you to quickly flip through the thumbnails and find the image you are looking for. This feature lets you fly through the catalog quickly compared to scrolling or loading each image one at a time.